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Efficient R Programming Pdf Download

The Art of R Programming PDF

Author: Norman Matloff
Publisher: No Starch Press
ISBN: 1593273843
Size: 47.58 MB
Format: PDF, ePub
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 400
View: 3392

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The Art Of R Programming

R Programming by Norman Matloff, The Art Of R Programming Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download The Art Of R Programming books, R is the world's most popular language for developing statistical software: Archaeologists use it to track the spread of ancient civilizations, drug companies use it to discover which medications are safe and effective, and actuaries use it to assess financial risks and keep economies running smoothly. The Art of R Programming takes you on a guided tour of software development with R, from basic types and data structures to advanced topics like closures, recursion, and anonymous functions. No statistical knowledge is required, and your programming skills can range from hobbyist to pro. Along the way, you'll learn about functional and object-oriented programming, running mathematical simulations, and rearranging complex data into simpler, more useful formats. You'll also learn to: –Create artful graphs to visualize complex data sets and functions –Write more efficient code using parallel R and vectorization –Interface R with C/C++ and Python for increased speed or functionality –Find new R packages for text analysis, image manipulation, and more –Squash annoying bugs with advanced debugging techniques Whether you're designing aircraft, forecasting the weather, or you just need to tame your data, The Art of R Programming is your guide to harnessing the power of statistical computing.

R f  r Dummies PDF

Author: Andrie de Vries
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527812520
Size: 16.79 MB
Format: PDF, ePub
Category : Computers
Languages : de
Pages : 423
View: 837

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R F R Dummies

R Programming by Andrie de Vries, R F R Dummies Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download R F R Dummies books, Wollen Sie auch die umfangreichen Möglichkeiten von R nutzen, um Ihre Daten zu analysieren, sind sich aber nicht sicher, ob Sie mit der Programmiersprache wirklich zurechtkommen? Keine Sorge - dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, wie es geht - selbst wenn Sie keine Vorkenntnisse in der Programmierung oder Statistik haben. Andrie de Vries und Joris Meys zeigen Ihnen Schritt für Schritt und anhand zahlreicher Beispiele, was Sie alles mit R machen können und vor allem wie Sie es machen können. Von den Grundlagen und den ersten Skripten bis hin zu komplexen statistischen Analysen und der Erstellung aussagekräftiger Grafiken. Auch fortgeschrittenere Nutzer finden in diesem Buch viele Tipps und Tricks, die Ihnen die Datenauswertung erleichtern.

Programmieren mit R PDF

Author: Uwe Ligges
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
ISBN: 3540267328
Size: 52.97 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Docs
Category : Mathematics
Languages : de
Pages : 237
View: 7173

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Programmieren Mit R

R Programming by Uwe Ligges, Programmieren Mit R Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download Programmieren Mit R books, R ist eine objekt-orientierte und interpretierte Sprache und Programmierumgebung für Datenanalyse und Grafik - frei erhältlich unter der GPL. Ziel dieses Buches ist es, nicht nur ausführlich in die Grundlagen der Sprache R einzuführen, sondern auch ein Verständnis der Struktur der Sprache zu vermitteln. Leicht können so eigene Methoden umgesetzt, Objektklassen definiert und ganze Pakete aus Funktionen und zugehöriger Dokumentation zusammengestellt werden. Die enormen Grafikfähigkeiten von R werden detailliert beschrieben. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die R als flexibles Werkzeug zur Datenenalyse und -visualisierung einsetzen möchten: Studierende, die Daten in Projekten oder für ihre Diplomarbeit analysieren möchten, Forschende, die neue Methoden ausprobieren möchten, und diejenigen, die in der Wirtschaft täglich Daten aufbereiten, analysieren und anderen in komprimierter Form präsentieren.

R Programming for Bioinformatics PDF

Author: Robert Gentleman
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9781420063684
Size: 33.45 MB
Format: PDF
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 328
View: 4155

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R Programming For Bioinformatics

R Programming by Robert Gentleman, R Programming For Bioinformatics Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download R Programming For Bioinformatics books, Due to its data handling and modeling capabilities as well as its flexibility, R is becoming the most widely used software in bioinformatics. R Programming for Bioinformatics explores the programming skills needed to use this software tool for the solution of bioinformatics and computational biology problems. Drawing on the author's first-hand experiences as an expert in R, the book begins with coverage on the general properties of the R language, several unique programming aspects of R, and object-oriented programming in R. It presents methods for data input and output as well as database interactions. The author also examines different facets of string handling and manipulations, discusses the interfacing of R with other languages, and describes how to write software packages. He concludes with a discussion on the debugging and profiling of R code. With numerous examples and exercises, this practical guide focuses on developing R programming skills in order to tackle problems encountered in bioinformatics and computational biology.

R Programming for Data Science PDF

Author: Roger Peng
Publisher: Lulu.com
ISBN: 9781365056826
Size: 71.43 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Mobi
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 194
View: 4970

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R Programming For Data Science

R Programming by Roger Peng, R Programming For Data Science Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download R Programming For Data Science books, Data science has taken the world by storm. Every field of study and area of business has been affected as people increasingly realize the value of the incredible quantities of data being generated. But to extract value from those data, one needs to be tra

Beginning R PDF

Author: Larry Pace
Publisher: Apress
ISBN: 1484203739
Size: 20.46 MB
Format: PDF, Kindle
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 327
View: 5559

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Beginning R

R Programming by Larry Pace, Beginning R Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download Beginning R books, Beginning R, Second Edition is a hands-on book showing how to use the R language, write and save R scripts, read in data files, and write custom statistical functions as well as use built in functions. This book shows the use of R in specific cases such as one-way ANOVA analysis, linear and logistic regression, data visualization, parallel processing, bootstrapping, and more. It takes a hands-on, example-based approach incorporating best practices with clear explanations of the statistics being done. It has been completely re-written since the first edition to make use of the latest packages and features in R version 3. R is a powerful open-source language and programming environment for statistics and has become the de facto standard for doing, teaching, and learning computational statistics. R is both an object-oriented language and a functional language that is easy to learn, easy to use, and completely free. A large community of dedicated R users and programmers provides an excellent source of R code, functions, and data sets, with a constantly evolving ecosystem of packages providing new functionality for data analysis. R has also become popular in commercial use at companies such as Microsoft, Google, and Oracle. Your investment in learning R is sure to pay off in the long term as R continues to grow into the go to language for data analysis and research. What You Will Learn: How to acquire and install R Hot to import and export data and scripts How to analyze data and generate graphics How to program in R to write custom functions Hot to use R for interactive statistical explorations How to conduct bootstrapping and other advanced techniques

Statistics with R Programming PDF

Author: Sandip Rakshit
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 9353160952
Size: 32.25 MB
Format: PDF, Mobi
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 386
View: 7067

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Statistics With R Programming

R Programming by Sandip Rakshit , Statistics With R Programming Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download Statistics With R Programming books, This book caters to the needs of students taking course on Statistics with R Programming. The book begins with variables and basic operations and leads to handling of data structures such as vectors, matrices, data frames and lists. This book will help students to dive deeper into the graphical capabilities of R and create stunning data visualization.

Efficient R Programming PDF

Author: Colin Gillespie
Publisher: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
ISBN: 1491950730
Size: 75.74 MB
Format: PDF, Mobi
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 222
View: 6028

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Efficient R Programming

R Programming by Colin Gillespie, Efficient R Programming Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download Efficient R Programming books, There are many excellent R resources for visualization, data science, and package development. Hundreds of scattered vignettes, web pages, and forums explain how to use R in particular domains. But little has been written on how to simply make R work effectively—until now. This hands-on book teaches novices and experienced R users how to write efficient R code. Drawing on years of experience teaching R courses, authors Colin Gillespie and Robin Lovelace provide practical advice on a range of topics—from optimizing the set-up of RStudio to leveraging C++—that make this book a useful addition to any R user's bookshelf. Academics, business users, and programmers from a wide range of backgrounds stand to benefit from the guidance in Efficient R Programming. Get advice for setting up an R programming environment Explore general programming concepts and R coding techniques Understand the ingredients of an efficient R workflow Learn how to efficiently read and write data in R Dive into data carpentry—the vital skill for cleaning raw data Optimize your code with profiling, standard tricks, and other methods Determine your hardware capabilities for handling R computation Maximize the benefits of collaborative R programming Accelerate your transition from R hacker to R programmer

Learning R Programming PDF

Author: Kun Ren
Publisher: Packt Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 1785880624
Size: 73.11 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Docs
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 582
View: 1343

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Learning R Programming

R Programming by Kun Ren, Learning R Programming Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download Learning R Programming books, Become an efficient data scientist with R About This Book Explore the R language from basic types and data structures to advanced topics Learn how to tackle programming problems and explore both functional and object-oriented programming techniques Learn how to address the core problems of programming in R and leverage the most popular packages for common tasks Who This Book Is For This is the perfect tutorial for anyone who is new to statistical programming and modeling. Anyone with basic programming and data processing skills can pick this book up to systematically learn the R programming language and crucial techniques. What You Will Learn Explore the basic functions in R and familiarize yourself with common data structures Work with data in R using basic functions of statistics, data mining, data visualization, root solving, and optimization Get acquainted with R's evaluation model with environments and meta-programming techniques with symbol, call, formula, and expression Get to grips with object-oriented programming in R: including the S3, S4, RC, and R6 systems Access relational databases such as SQLite and non-relational databases such as MongoDB and Redis Get to know high performance computing techniques such as parallel computing and Rcpp Use web scraping techniques to extract information Create RMarkdown, an interactive app with Shiny, DiagramR, interactive charts, ggvis, and more In Detail R is a high-level functional language and one of the must-know tools for data science and statistics. Powerful but complex, R can be challenging for beginners and those unfamiliar with its unique behaviors. Learning R Programming is the solution - an easy and practical way to learn R and develop a broad and consistent understanding of the language. Through hands-on examples you'll discover powerful R tools, and R best practices that will give you a deeper understanding of working with data. You'll get to grips with R's data structures and data processing techniques, as well as the most popular R packages to boost your productivity from the offset. Start with the basics of R, then dive deep into the programming techniques and paradigms to make your R code excel. Advance quickly to a deeper understanding of R's behavior as you learn common tasks including data analysis, databases, web scraping, high performance computing, and writing documents. By the end of the book, you'll be a confident R programmer adept at solving problems with the right techniques. Style and approach Developed to make learning easy and intuitive, this book comes packed with a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques and a wealth of practical information for anyone looking to get started with this exciting and powerful language.

R Programming   A comprehensive guide PDF

Author: Editor IJSMI
Publisher: International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics
Size: 24.28 MB
Format: PDF, ePub
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 118
View: 4132

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R Programming A Comprehensive Guide

R Programming by Editor IJSMI, R Programming A Comprehensive Guide Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download R Programming A Comprehensive Guide books, R programming has gained importance in different fields due its flexibility, rich packages, platform independent characteristics, data analysis & data visualization capabilities and building various models like machine learning models. It facilitates the incorporation of codes of other languages such as C, C++ and Java in its programming environment. R programming is an open source platform which is developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman from University of Auckland during the year 1991. It is a modified version of S language developed during 1976 by Bell Laboratories in USA. Currently the development process is being handled by the R core development team. The book starts with the basic concepts such as vectors, objects, factors, data frames, lists, reading data and writing data files, conditions, controls, functions and handling database connections. Book covers the R Programming rich graphical and data visualization tools, and web applications. Statistical concepts such as Descriptive, Inferential, and regression models are also covered. It also includes Machine Learning models such as classification and clustering models. All the data files used in book can be downloaded from author's book website www.ijsmi.com/book.php. Editor IJSMI, International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08B6F5L2Q - e-book https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08B7RGVCM - paperback ISBN-13: 979-8654217325

R Programming By Example PDF

Author: Omar Trejo
Publisher: Packt Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 1788291360
Size: 26.64 MB
Format: PDF, Mobi
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 470
View: 1891

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R Programming By Example

R Programming by Omar Trejo, R Programming By Example Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download R Programming By Example books, R is a high-level statistical language and is widely used among statisticians and data miners to develop analytical applications. Based on the version 3.4, this book will help you develop strong fundamentals when working with R by taking you through a series of full representative examples, giving you a holistic view of R.


Author: Hicham and Mohamed Ibnalkadi
Publisher: Hicham Ibnalkadi
Size: 50.49 MB
Format: PDF
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages :
View: 6566

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Introduction To R Programming

R Programming by Hicham and Mohamed Ibnalkadi, Introduction To R Programming Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download Introduction To R Programming books, This book is part of a series that includes MBA Core & Elective coursework taught at prestigious universities like Harvard and Wharton. The series consists of Core & Elective courses that stemmed from more than ten years of professional experience in Wall Street and Startups. The elective courses introduce Machine Learning, Python, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, Communications skills, R language, Excel advanced features, PowerPoint advanced features, interview questions, and more

Beginner s Guide for Data Analysis using R Programming PDF

Author: Jeeva Jose
ISBN: 938617345X
Size: 68.79 MB
Format: PDF
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 368
View: 3767

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Beginner S Guide For Data Analysis Using R Programming

R Programming by Jeeva Jose, Beginner S Guide For Data Analysis Using R Programming Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download Beginner S Guide For Data Analysis Using R Programming books, R programming is an efficient tool for statistical analysis of data. Data science has become critical to each field and the popularity of R is skyrocketing. Organization as large and diverse as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Bank of America, Ford Motor Company, Mozilla, Thomas Cook, The New York Times, The National Weather Service, Twitter, ANZ Bank, Uber, Airbnb etc . have turned to R for reporting, analyzing and visualization of data, this book is for students and professionals of Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Social Science and Medicine, Business, Engineering, Software, Information Technology, Sales, Bio Informatics, Pharmacy and any one, where data needs to be analyzed and represented graphically.

Statistics with R Programming   A Beginner s Guide  For JNTU  Kakinada  PDF

Author: Mohan, Murali T.
Publisher: S. Chand Publishing
ISBN: 9352830407
Size: 41.43 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Docs
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages :
View: 4429

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Statistics With R Programming A Beginner S Guide For Jntu Kakinada

R Programming by Mohan, Murali T., Statistics With R Programming A Beginner S Guide For Jntu Kakinada Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download Statistics With R Programming A Beginner S Guide For Jntu Kakinada books, Statistics with R Programming - A Beginner's Guide

R Programming and Its Applications in Financial Mathematics PDF

Author: Shuichi Ohsaki
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1498766102
Size: 43.63 MB
Format: PDF, Kindle
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 248
View: 6528

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R Programming And Its Applications In Financial Mathematics

R Programming by Shuichi Ohsaki, R Programming And Its Applications In Financial Mathematics Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download R Programming And Its Applications In Financial Mathematics books, This book provides an introduction to R programming and a summary of financial mathematics. It is not always easy for graduate students to grasp an overview of the theory of finance in an abstract form. For newcomers to the finance industry, it is not always obvious how to apply the abstract theory to the real financial data they encounter. Introducing finance theory alongside numerical applications makes it easier to grasp the subject. Popular programming languages like C++, which are used in many financial applications are meant for general-purpose requirements. They are good for implementing large-scale distributed systems for simultaneously valuing many financial contracts, but they are not as suitable for small-scale ad-hoc analysis or exploration of financial data. The R programming language overcomes this problem. R can be used for numerical applications including statistical analysis, time series analysis, numerical methods for pricing financial contracts, etc. This book provides an overview of financial mathematics with numerous examples numerically illustrated using the R programming language.

Source: https://ebookopedia.com/pdf/r-programming/

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